Friday 17 December 2010


Welcome to Through a Glass Darkly, my latest entry into the world of blogging. I decided to set this new blog site up primarily to write about a subject that has always been an interest of mine. I won't claim it's a passion, in the same way that beer appreciation and travelling are, but it's still something I find fascinating, and something that is relevant today. It's also a subject we all can, and should, learn lessons from, but never seem to do so. Is every generation doomed to repeat the mistakes of their forebears? I sincerely hope not!

In case you haven't already guessed, I'm talking about history, yes HISTORY, but not the boring text-book, dull as ditch-water history we were forced to learn at school, but living history, and the people behind some of the deeds, thoughts and actions that have helped to shape the life we live today. Brave and courageous leaders, brilliant inventors, talented artists and designers, power-hungry kings and princes, scheming politicians, unsung heroes - those ordinary men and women who, when the time came, were not afraid to play their part in shaping events, both locally, as well as on the world stage.

There's no set agenda, just things that happen to spark my interest at the time. So keep an eye out for the latest postings on this site.