Well only one post, and that was three years ago, so I
thought it high time to resurrect this blog. It’s supposed to be about history,
and that will continue to be its main theme. However, I also want to use it to
get various topical issues off my chest, as and when they arise. These may be
issues associated with politics; the continued rise of the “Nanny
State” is an area which concerns me
a great deal. They may be about stories in the news which concern, alarm or
even amuse me, and they may also just be the ramblings of a grumpy old git.
Whatever the background, hopefully there will be something
that will interest, amuse, or possibly even anger my readers. I will try to
keep my ramblings succinct, polite and non-offensive, but increasingly I am
becoming offended by what I see and hear in the news media. This once great
country of ours is being sold down the river by a motley, and un-holy alliance
of politicians, bureaucrats, do-gooders and busy-bodies, so much so that the
basic freedoms, which were once the birthright of all free-thinking Englishmen
(and women), are under attack as never before.
It seems we never learn from history, and that is why
learning about the past, and understanding what went on, can help stop us
repeating the mistakes of previous generations. This is why history, is so
important, and why we can take lessons from it.
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to
face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” –
Corinthians, Chapter 13, Verse 12.